The Bellowing Breeze


 THL Njall Olaf Hagerson


The Life Blood of the S.C.A. is……………….


                This month I’m going to touch on a theme that I have hinted at in the past.  It’s about, that which makes the S.C.A., what it is.

                When you stand back and look at all the S.C.A. is, it is both overwhelming and joyous to see. Everywhere you look, it is full of energy and activity.  The costumes, encampments, art displays, fighting, all work together to create a large colorful tapestry that is the S.C.A. But running through every stitch of that tapestry is one single, vital thread. The unifying thread of the tapestry that is the S.C.A. is its volunteers.

                Every aspect of the S.C.A. runs on volunteer power. From those volunteers that are the most visible to the ones you don’t see. Our officers volunteer their time. Event stewards spend hours, days and weeks getting an event ready to go. Marshals, heralds, lists, constables, chirurgeons and water bearers work the day of the event, to keep it all running. Volunteer cooks and servers make and deliver our feasts. Volunteers put both this very newsletter and the kingdom web site together.  Volunteers teach classes on the kingdom and local level, on a diverse number of topics. And in the background, other volunteers work. Some help you carry stuff and set up at an event. Others help you get in touch with other members. And yet more let you pick their brains, use their books and tools, to help you recreate some piece of the past.

                Some of the hidden forms of volunteering are in the areas of arts and fighting. Fighters teach others to fight in that style. They also are in the forefront when we do demos. Artists, help us decorate our events. They also teach the arts and many donate their art to raise funds for a number of causes.

                Everyone volunteers and not just inside the S.C.A. Without everyone, we could not do demos for schools. Everyone helped to run the Make-a-Wish events in the past, which granted wishes and raise money for Make-a-Wish as well. And recently a wonderful young lady walked for three days to raise money for research in the name of one of our members that we lost last year.

                So all that being said, if you see something that isn’t being done, step up and lend a hand. Also if you see someone doing the work over and over, let the crown know, by way of a letter of recommendation. We need to recognize those that volunteer. A little recognition and a thank you can go a long way.

                Last, as you read this and think about what you can do, consider giving field heraldry a try. We always need volunteers. And, at any given task, more volunteers make the job both easier and fun.