New Arrivals Shelf
In other words, this is the "What's New Page"
This page last changed on 07/02/2007
This shelf contains a list of new arrivals that are in the library shelves. As new additions come in, they will be posted on this page. The most recent additions will be listed first.
07/02/2007 A long over due update. We moved across the country. so this site will now reflect our new location, and contact information. Also new knives can be found in the photo album .
08/29/2006 Moved my forge blog to Live Journal to increase readership. Repaired the link to Ron Reil's home page on the knife links page, to reflect his relocation to the ABANA site. I also corrected the links to the pages and images on the forge construction page. Updated the photo album to reflect current stock on hand.
12/12/2005 Updated the photo album again. Added a Viking Working Knife (witha multi-core pattern weld) and a new blacksmiths knife.
10/21/2005 Added the Forge Blog. This is a place for those stray thoughts or project status reports, that done' get a page of their own. It's also a place for you to comment on what I am doing.
10/17/2005 Updated the photo album again. Removed items sold last weekend.
10/13/2005 Updated the photo album yet again. Removed items sold last weekend. Also I add a new work in progress photo to the photo album for a reproduction of a Viking Age folding knife in the works. Last for this update, I purged the 2004 entries from this page.
08/18/2005 Updated the photo album yet again. I added two new Tomahawks to available stock on hand. One pattern welded hawk and a rail-road spike hawk.
08/18/2005 Updated the photo album again. Once again to update the available stock. But, I also updated it, to add a new Roundel knife up for sale. This is my third take on this historic form.
06/13/2005 Updated the photo album again. This time to remove stock sold at an event last week. With only two weeks to go to the California Custom Knife Makers Show in Brea, CA, I'm in a world of hurt for something to show on my table (sigh!). There are two pieces in the works, that I should be able to get done between now and then. But that is still going to leave me very short of stock to show off. And yes, I know the whole point is to sell the knives I make. But, when you pay for a table and are sitting there in front of your fellow knife makers, well, I would at least have something to to display other then a photo album.
06/02/2005 Updated the photo album again. This time to move the folding knife from stock on-hand to past work. Seeing as it sold last Sunday. Also deleted all entries on this page prior to reorganizing it for my knife business.
05/09/2005 Updated the photo album to add the completed reproduction of a 13th century folding knife in the Museum of London. Also added a rail road spike knife finished last night (was forged as a demo at the Poppy Festival) to the stock on hand.
05/09/2005 Updated the photo album to remove an items sold and to add a new work-in-progress photo. The new work-in-progress is a reproduction a of a 13th century folding knife in the Museum of London.
04/18/2005 Updated the photo album to remove an items sold over the last weekend and also update for new stock made at the Poppy Festival in Lancaster California
04-14-2005 Updated the photo album to remove an item sold over the last weekend and add a line of Bodkin Arrowheads to the for sale section. Change the work in progress from the knife and fork set (which has been delivered), to a plum brown railroad spike axe.
04/07/2005 Updated the photo album with a new Sgain-Dubh for sale. Also added a work in progress photo for a pattern welded knife and fork set being made as part of a custom order.
02/28/2005 Added a show report for Knife Expo 05. Also, updated the photo album to reflect current sock on hand.
02/17/2005 Added a Viking Woman's knife to the photo album. Also, rearranged the photo album to reflect current sock on hand. Twelve knives currently available for purchase. More in the works as I gear up for this years Knife Expo show, Feb 25-27th, to be held at the Pasadena Convention Center. For some background on the show see my report on KnifeExpo04, last year.
02/08/2005 Added yet another Sgian-Dubh to the photo album. This time with a Jet (a natural stone) handle.
02/01/2005 Added two photos to the photo album for the listings created yesterday. Also add a new listing for a Sgain-dubh. And updated the on-hand status of the blacksmith knife for one finished last night.
Contact Me via e-mail.